Mazza College

The place to live the university experience at its best!

The Hall of Residence Don Nicola Mazza is a College of Merit accredited to the Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

The Don Nicola Mazza Residence is a College of Merit accredited by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR).

Our University Residences are open to international students who intend to supplement their university studies by engaging in cultural activities and a training program on transversal skills – to be agreed with the Management of  Collegio Mazza.

Accommodation will be possible in case of 4 month sojourn minimum.


7 Residence
in Padua, Verona and Roma


more of 500
places available


many opportunities
to train and live together

How to access the Admission

Admission to the individual residence halls of the Collegio takes place by competition and participating is easy: choose the residence of your interest, read the announcement and submit your application online.