Job Campus
The Hall of Residence Don Nicola Mazza is a College of Merit accredited to the Ministry of University and Research. We offer residential and personal development services.
Job Campus is where innovative educational and organizational models – proposed by “Don Nicola Mazza University College of Merit” – are tested and developed. As a result, the institution has been certified as “University College of Merit” by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
Specifically, Job Campus offers a range of programs aimed at providing vocational guidance to senior-year students through specialised projects, in synergy with universities, startups and companies – Innovation eXperience.
As an educational community, it promotes and arranges events, activities and trainings on innovation, entrepreneurship, new technologies and professional development. Moreover, it offers quality accommodations and guest rooms for students, academics, researchers, while proving a fit location for events, conferences and trainings.
All inclusive board and lodging
Job Campus spans over a surface of 3600 m2, boasting guest rooms, classrooms, workshop spaces and comprehensive housing and educational contamination services.
Accommodation: double rooms with bathroom. Weekly cleaning service. Common room cleaning service. Reception services. Dining Halls: Offer lunch, and dinner 7 days a week. Self-managed breakfast.
Innovation eXperience: the first co-living-based project in Italy
Beside the regular activities suggested by the College of Merit proper, Job Campus offers the opportunity to partake in the Innovation eXperience project.
Innovation eXperience is the first co-living-based project in Italy, designed to give prominence to university students with strong entrepreneurial attitudes, allowing them to experience the development of augmented innovation projects for companies and contribute to the creation of cutting-edge startups.
Access to the Innovation eXperience project is contingent on the application to our call for bids. Admittees qualify for a tuition fee waiver, thanks to the contributions of sponsoring companies and project partners.
Training provided by the University Colleges of Merit
As well as the internationally excellent academic centers, the College’s residential experience leads to the development of cross-disciplinary skills through an interdisciplinary environment and a variety of student-focused initiatives. The College provides each student with a personalized development project focusing on personal, academic, relational, cultural and professional areas.
Job Accelerator: through the Innovation eXperience project, Job Campus develops innovative solutions for companies following the Mimprendo® approach, an innovation driver which currently contributes to the acceleration of 150 business projects, designed by development teams for SMEs and corporations. The teams involve a total of 570 senior-year students representing 28 universities in 10 Italian regions.
Padua university city
Job Campus Residence is located in the central area, near the historic center of the city.
University residence Job Campus
Via Giambattista Belzoni 146,35121 Padova
Train and Bus Station
- directions_bus 8 min
- directions_bike 7 min
- footprint 23 min
Palazzo Bo
- directions_bus 14 min
- directions_bike 6 min
- footprint 16 min
Policlinico universitario - Medical School
- directions_bus 3 min
- directions_bike 3 min
- footprint 10 min
Scientific university faculties
- directions_bike 2 min
- footprint 7 min
Humanities university faculties
- directions_bus 16 min
- directions_bike 7 min
- footprint 24 min
Unipd student careers office
- directions_bike 2 min
- footprint 6 min